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“Permit me to be scared stiff,” Paul Klee said after seeing van Gogh’s paintings in Munich in 1908. Similarly, the German Expressionist Emil Nolde initially considered van Gogh’s work “a bit crazy,” although van Gogh’s approach eventually taught him that “each color has a soul of its own.”

From the review of the show, Van Gogh and Expressionism, at the Neue Galerie in New York.

Martha Schwendener
New York Times

I have always felt more related to the Abstract Expressionists than any other group. I think that’s what I came out of…But then it was Rothko to whom I would respond, especially in his later paintings…The whole idea of beauty was not embarrassing to me, as it was for a lot of people. Its one of the things that was encouraging about Rothko, that he didn’t seem to be embarrassed about it, either.

Brice Marden

Artists have no choice but to express their lives. They have only . . . a choice of process. This process does not change the essential content of their work in art, which can only be their life.

Anne Truitt

Art is a portal into an interior space where our senses are heightened, our emotions provoked, our perception of the world around us altered, and our sense of our physical beings sharpened or thrown off balance.

Elizabeth Dunbar

Painters have always needed a sort of veil upon which they can focus their attention. It’s as though the more fully the consciousness is absorbed, the greater the freedom of the spirit behind.

Bridget Riley

I make a very slow painting.

Brice Marden